Friday, July 8, 2011

An Exposé Of My Inner World re: Fr. Corapi

Come Holy Spirit
I'm somewhat disoriented these days.  There seems to be so much going on in the Catholic and ProLife arenas, that I can't seem to settle down enough to choose one for my blog entry.  As I wrote that, it came to me.  Fr. Corapi

He is such an embarrassment to the Catholic Church. [So begins the exposé of my inner world, i.e. raw emotion and thoughts.]  I just want to crawl under the couch until the craziness passes.  Really.  I feel like a teenager who is absolutely embarrassed - and ashamed - about the illicit things my parents do after telling me not to do them.  I am so mad at him. I don't want any friends to come home.  Honestly, I don't want anyone to come look at the Catholic Church right now.  Let us get our act together and then come for a visit and think about joining.  Right now, we are just too screwed up.

I can't believe I sent a very good, lapsed Catholic friend of mine a video tape of Fr. Corapi.  I feel so hypocritical.

I mean really.  We have such a mess on our hands and we have to do all the cleaning up.  It's just not fair.  To top it all off, Fr. Corapi was dedicated to Our Lady.  How embarassing is that?  What a disgrace to the Catholic Church and to Mary, the Mother of God on Earth. 

And what about his superiors?  These behaviors of Fr. Corapi have been going on for quite some time.  Where have they  been?  They are here now, now that there is public pressure to put a halt to things.  But where were they when Fr. Corapi was buying all his expensive toys?  It's not like he kept that all secret.  His superiors should have stepped in a lot sooner.

That's my emotional response.  It is completely valid and understandable, given how Fr. Corapi betrayed me , and the general public.  [This was my emotional response. I do not really know if Fr. Corapi literally betrayed us.  I feel betrayed is the more accurate statement.]  But let me give the more rational side now. 

Please pray for Fr. Corapi and all those involved.  He is a sinner, just like the rest of us.  That is why Jesus came, to heal us sinners.  If you (non-Catholics) want to visit us and maybe even join, please come.  Please come and see us in our brokenness.  We are all human.  Please come and see us use the Catholic Faith to get through all of this, and see the Catholic Faith in dynamic action with Jesus at the center of it all.

Please understand that we may be shy, embarassed, but we want you to come anyhow.  Behaviors like Fr. Corapi are appalling, but they are forgiveable.  St. Faustina taught us about His endless mercy.  We need to react appropriately and pray for forgiveness in our hearts, even if it is not there just yet.

I don't know how to handle this.  Like with so many things, I am only getting parts of the story.  SOLT gave their statement, but am I supposed to assume he is guilty like they have said, even before a trial?  Or is there going to be a trial? Maybe I'm confusing it with the secular legal system.  If I assume he is innocent, I feel like I am betraying the Church...oh, the pains of dysfunction, the pains of the Devil.

I am confused.  I admit it, but I will continue to pray for clarity, about Fr. Corapi's situation, as well as about all the other abuse by priests.  It makes me so sad.  I guess I am back into some of my emotional reactions.

I have purposely bared my soul.  Times like this cause lots of confusion, sadness, anxiety, despair - as well as hope.  I wanted you to see it all.

Please remember:  "Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone..." (John 8:7)

When I first wrote this entry, I did not know that Fr. Corapi had posted a reply to the SOLT press release. He denies many things, and now I feel somewhat betrayed by SOLT.  Who do we believe?  Actually, Fr. Corapi does not reply to the allegations about drug use.

Click here and scroll to July 7 to read it.  Ride the roller coaster by praying the Rosary.

Please join me in praying for the purification of
the Catholic Church and all who are in Her.

Here are a couple options.

Novena of Purification (usually done January 24 to February 2)

O Blessed Mother of God,
who went up to the Temple according to the law
with your offering of little white doves,
pray for me that I too may keep the law
and be pure in heart like you.
Sweet heart of Mary,
be my salvation.

Five Our Father's,
Five Hail Mary's
and Five Glory be's

Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.


image - unknown

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