Monday, August 29, 2011

just one of those days

I should have gone back to bed when I woke up but the day looked pretty bright from my window.  I kissed SB goodbye and bounced into the elevator.  From there everything began going down.  A couple got on at the fourth floor and I smiled in greeting, only they did not smile back.  After a dismissive glance at me the man turned his back; his wife didn't even return my gaze but stood in front of the door so she could be the first to exit.  On the ride to work no one wanted to let our bus merge into the turning lane while cars in the lane behind us began laying on their horns.  At the office I held the door open for the woman behind me and she walked through without bothering to thank me .  I didn't recognize her so she may be new but I'm hoping that she is only visiting.

At noon my supervisor sent me an email with an assignment that was to be turned in to our director by 2pm.  He claimed that he had sent me the email on Friday but somehow the mail did not go through.  Funny how often this happens and only right before a deadline.  So I worked through lunch while hunger and irritation gnawed at me.

I am trying to think happy thoughts right now to lower my blood pressure.  Baby pandas.  Fresh lime soda.  Mango shaved ice.  Laughing with the girlfriends.  Bedtime pontification with SB.  I really should have gone back to bed.

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