Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where do I Vote?

Polling Location

As a registered voter, you may vote absentee (vote by mail), early in-person at your county board of elections office or designated site, or cast your ballot on Election Day at your precinct’s designated polling place. Use the links below to find your polling place, for more information about absentee voting or to contact your county board of elections.

Where you vote depends on where you are determined by law to have a qualifying voting residence. Your qualifying voting residence is determined by the county board of elections using guidelines established by Ohio law (Revised Code (R.C.) 3503.02). You may vote only from the residence that qualifies as your voting residence. Your voting residence is the place in which your habitation is fixed and to which, whenever you are absent, you intend to return. Also, your voting residence is a location you consider to be a permanent, not a temporary, residence. You will not lose your voting residency in Ohio if you leave temporarily and intend to return to Ohio, unless you are absent from the state for four consecutive years. You may contact your local board of elections if you have any questions regarding your specific situation.

(Exception: You will not lose your residency after four years if your absence from Ohio is due to your employment with Ohio or the United States government, including military service, unless you vote in, or permanently move to, another state or country.)

If you do not have a fixed place of habitation, but you are a consistent or regular inhabitant of a shelter or other location to which you intend to return, you may use that shelter or other location as your residence for purposes of registering to vote.

For information on voting rights of U.S. citizens living outside the U.S., please click here, Uniformed and Overseas Citizens.
May a college student register and vote from his or her school address in Ohio?

Yes, a college student may vote using his or her Ohio school residence address. However, the student may not also vote an absentee ballot where he or she last lived (e.g., with one or more parent or guardian). When a college student votes from his or her school address, the school residence is considered to be the place to which the student’s habitation is fixed and to which, whenever the student is absent, the student intends to return, and is considered by the student to be his or her permanent residence at the time of voting.

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