The actor who plays Tate gave PEOPLE that teaser last month, and he definitely wasn't kidding. Wednesday night's episode could easily be deemed the most disturbing thus far, thanks to a series of shocking plotlines. But was it the creepiest episode yet?
The episode, titled "Spooky Little Girl," opens with a real-life murder at murder house. Mena Suvari plays the famous murder victim, Elizabeth Short (a.k.a. The Black Dahlia), a young woman who was killed and gruesomely dismembered in Los Angeles in 1947.
On the show, a former resident of the house, a dentist who works out of the home, kills the beautiful aspiring star Short, who wears a Dahlia in her hair. Then, with the help of another former resident – the deranged Dr. Montgomery – they dispose of her mutilated body on the lawn.
Constance's boyfriend, Travis, also meets an unlikely fate (at the hand of another character on the show) and we are given a glimpse at what expectant Vivien (Connie Britton) may be carrying.
We learned on Wednesday that Vivien's twins have two different fathers: her husband Ben (Dylan McDermott), and Tate (a.k.a. Rubber Man). And since Tate is "of the spirit world," that means disaster for his baby.
How does she know this? The psychic cites the Pope's box, which contains "the ultimate secret ... this piece of paper reveals the precise nature of the antichrist: a child born of human and spirit will usher in the end of times. It is the essence of evil."
Super Show, love the Psychological Thriller ~!! Great Characters, and Actors, the storyline is good, each week leaves you wanting to know the next !! "Great Script"
The Infantata is the creepiest thing I've seen on the show so far. Why was this episode considered so creepy? The dismembered bodies WERE unsettling, but not scary like something otherworldly.
This show just keeps getting better each episode. Love it! You just never know what to expect and there's so many elements of surprise each episode. Great show!
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