Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Florida's Law Requiring Pre-Abortion Ultrasound Goes Into Effect Friday

Women receiving ultrasound
from a doctor

This is good news.  Florida's law that requires women who seek an abortion to have an ultrasound beforehand, goes into effect this Friday.  In the article referenced below, it is said that 85% of women who have an ultrasound before an abortion, change their mind. 

Image of baby during ultrasound

I bet many women change their minds. How can you ignore the baby, the child, the human being, the person inside of you?  Florida thinks you can't and is hoping to lower the denial that goes on with abortion.

"Starting this Friday, women in Florida will be required to have an ultrasound done by a doctor before having an abortion, a bill Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last Friday."  Progress, but we have a long way to go: ==>  "Oklahoma is the only other state that requires ultrasounds before abortions".  - http://www.news4jax.com/news/28371908/detail.html

Unfortunately, the passing of bills like this is quite a battle.  The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) and Planned Parenthood are two organizations that don't want a law like this to go into effect, e.g. CRR recently filed a class action lawsuit against the ultrasound bill that passed in Texas.  CRR Files Lawsuit Challenging Texas Abortion Sonogram Law

I am saddened by some of the ProChoice explanations I read.  For example:

“This law is patronizing to women in Texas. It is based on outdated stereotypes that women are too immature or too incompetent to make important decisions,” said Northup. “It’s as if the politician has charged into the doctor’s office and told the woman, ‘Honey, you just don’t understand what you are doing. Let me explain it to you and tell you what to do.’”

I am reminded of my own ProChoice days.  I had a similar attitude.  Someone must have prayed for my conversion, because I wasn't looking to be hauled out of my seat of denial.  So, let's continue praying that the people involved here will have a conversion of heart too.

images - http://us.fotolia.com/id/8651231

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